
What is rosacea and what can you do about it?

What is rosacea and what can you do about it?

The term rosacea has an iconic meaning, namely 'red as a rose' and is a chronic disease of the blood vessels. This skin problem is often characterized by redness in the face, but expanded blood vessels, bumps and pimples can also occur.

Do I have rosacea?

Not everyone with facial redness has rosacea, but if you also suffer from very sensitive skin (and even when it burns sometimes), you can certainly determine that you have rosacea. In addition to this redness, you can also clearly see the burst blood vessels and/or you suffer from red bumps and pimples on the skin. Note: this isn't acne (because there aren't blackheads, also called comedones, visible). 

The facts

  • This skin problem often occurs in light skin types for adult women between the ages of 30-50 years.
  • Food, alcohol and weather conditions can affect facial redness.
  • The Demodex mite and heredity play a major role in getting rosacea.

Tips for rosacea treatment

If you've noticed rosacea on the face, we advise you to first see your doctor. They can refer you to a specialist (such as a dermatologist) who, depending on the stage you're in, can prescribe a treatment. For example, medicines such as antibiotics and/or a locally applied cream. Of course, in addition to this medical treatment, you can also take care on keeping the redness stable on your own: 

  1. Use mild products, preferably without perfume and/or other ingredients that can irritate the skin. For example, check out the Clay And Glow Sensitive Skin Set. This bundle is especially formulated for sensitive skin and doesn't contain any harmful ingredients. 
  1. Watch your diet. Did you know that spicy dishes, alcohol and caffeine have a vasodilating effect? You definitely should try to minimize its intake.
  1. Avoid extreme temperatures. For example, a (too) hot shower and exposure to the sun can make the redness worse. Try to keep this in mind while doing so. 

Want to know more about the Clay And Glow products in combination with your extremely sensitive skin? We're here to help! Just send us a message on Instagram (@clayandglow) or mail our customer service:

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